Biology and its Major Fields of Specialization | Short Question Answer

fsc part-1 biology and its major fields of specialization

FSc. Part-1 | Biology and its Major Fields of Specialization | Short Question Answer. The following Questions and answers are important from Chapter No.1 of FSc. Part-I | 1st Year Biology, for the final examination of all Boards of Punjab and Pakistan:

Q.1: What is biology?


Biology is the study of living things.

Q.2: What are the literal meanings of biology?


The literal meanings of biology are the “study of life”.

Q.3: From where the word biology has derived?


The word “Biology” has been derived from two Greek words: ‘bio’ meaning ‘life’ and ‘logos’ meaning ‘reasoning’, ‘thought’ etc.

Q.4: Define the following:

  • Anatomy
  • Physiology
  • Palaeobotany
  • Embryology
  • Parasitology
  • Human biology


Anatomy: The study of internal gross structure is called anatomy.

Physiology: The study of functions of different parts of plants or animals is called Physiology.

Palaeobotany: The study of fossils of plants is called Palaeobotany.

Embryology: The study of the development of an organism from a fertilized egg or zygote is called Embryology.

Parasitology: This is the branch of biology which deals with the study of parasites. The structure, mode of transmission, life histories and host – parasite relationships are studied in parasitology.

Q.5: What is human biology?


It deals with the study of man. This includes structure, function, history, anatomy, morphology, evolution, genetics, cell biology and ecological studies of the human being.

Q.6: What are micromolecules?


The molecules with low molecular weight may be called micromolecules e.g CO2CO2, H2O etc.

Q.7: Differentiate between population and community. (LB-05, 07; SB-05)


A population is a group of organisms of the same species located in the same place at the same time while a community consists of populations of different species (plants and animals) living in the same habitat at the same time.

Q.8: Differentiate between deductive and inductive reasoning. (GB-07, MB-08)


Deductive reasoning is the reasoning from the general to the specific e.g if we accept that all birds have wings and that sparrows are birds, then we conclude that sparrows have wings.

The inductive reasoning is the reasoning from specific to general e.g. if we know that sparrows have wings and are birds, and we know that eagle, parrot, hawk, crow are birds; then we conclude that all birds have wings.

Q.9: Why it is difficult to define “life” in biology?


There are certain aspects of life that lie beyond the scope of the science of biology like what is the meaning of life? And why should there be life? These are the questions not usually taken up by the biologists and are left to philosophers and theologians. The biologists mainly deal with the matters of relating to how life works.

Q.10: Why biology is divided into several branches?


The science of biology is a very wide field of study and a large amount of information are available in it. Therefore, for our convenience of understanding and studying biology, it is divided into a number of branches.

Note: Remaining Short Questions and Answers of this chapter (FSc. Part-I Biology Chapter No.1: Biology and its Major Fields of Specialization) will be published soon.


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