FSc ICS Part-I Physics | Measurements | Short Question Answers - 1


fsc ics 1 physics measurements short questions answers

FSc. ICS Part-1 Physics | Measurements | Short Question Answers. The following questions and answers are very important from Chapter No.1 of FSc. ICS Part-I | 1st Year Physics, for the final examinations of all Boards of Punjab:

Q.1: Name several repetitive a phenomenon occurring in nature which could serve as a reasonable time standard.
Any natural phenomenon that repeats itself after exactly the same time interval can be used as a measure of time. The repetitive phenomenon could serve as a reasonable time standard, occurring in nature, as follows:
1. Sun served as a reasonable time standard because sunset and sunrise give the information of time.
2. Moon is also a reasonable time standard because it gives the information of time.

Q.2: Give drawbacks to use the period of a pendulum as a time standard.
As we know that the time period of a simple pendulum depends upon the length and value of g at any place. Since
T = 2πlg
It is clear that the time period of a simple pendulum depends upon the value of g which is different at different places. So, a pendulum of the same length may have different time periods at different places. So, the period of a pendulum cannot be taken as the standard for measuring time.

Q.3: Why do we find it useful to have two units for the amount of substance, the kilogram, and the mole?
It is very useful to have two units for the amount of substance i.e. kilogram and mole. If we want to consider specific amounts of mass without considering the number of microscopic atoms present in it, it is useful to use kilogram while if we want to consider a fixed number of atoms present in it then it is useful to use mole.

Q.4: Three students measured the length of a needle with a scale on which the minimum division is 1 mm and recorded as (i) 0.2145 m (ii) 0.21 m (iii) 0.214 m. Which record is correct and why?
In these records (iii) 0.214 m is more correct than the other records because the least count of a scale is 1 mm, which can be written as 0.001 m. So, according to this figure, the student measure that type of record is correct.

Q.5: An old saying is that “A chain is only as strong as its weakest link”. What analogue statement can you make regarding experimental data used in computation?
The analogous statement regarding experimental data used in the computation is “A result obtained of an experimental data used in the computation is only as accurate as of its least accurate reading”.

Q.6: The period of a simple pendulum is measured by a stopwatch. What type of errors is possible in the time period?
When the period of a simple pendulum is measured by a stopwatch, the following types of errors are possible:
1. Systematic Error: The error due to the fault in the measuring instrument is called the systematic error.
2. Personal Error: The error due to the faulty procedure of an observer is called a personal error.


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